Dear Mr. and Mrs. Farmer
Hi what are doing today! I hope you have a grayt day today. I think the animls are doing Grayt. We will go there again on July ten and on July 24th see you back soon
From Nico
Dear Mr. Farmer
Did you have Fun when we were there? I learned that the Farm was just for cows befor. I had lots of fun.
Love, Johnny
Dear Mr. and Mrs. farmer
I liked the baby kittens. Did you have fun when I was there? I like to hold the baby rabbits. I liked the hayride. I liked it when I got to play the milking game. I like it when I got to give milk to the baby calf.
Love, Jordon
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Farmer,
Haow are you. I like your Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer you have a grat Farm and you have some net animals on your Farm and you are the Bast Farmers in The hole Wyd World.
Love, Grady